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Economics to Godonomics

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Step into a Kingdom wealth mindset and become a steward of God’s unlimited resources

Do you ever find yourself wanting to be more generous? To help those in need around you, but can’t seem to get out of the rat race yourself? Author, Chad Owen, and his wife, Leilani, were there for many years – until God. They had a radical revelation that money is simply a tool and that even the residue of God’s blessing is more than enough to create a life of abundance for them and those around them. God’s desire is to bless His children abundantly and pour out the finances of Heaven through our lives. This revelation changed the trajectory of their life forever and can change yours too! Residue Living is an invitation from God to cut the cords from the bondage of money and step into His abundant generosity for your family and generations to come. Learn how to hear the voice of God when it comes to money and radical generosity and become a steward of Heavenly resources.

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Meet the author


Chad Owen is a happily married husband since 1992 and father of four children. Though he is most well known as a financial expert in the safe money industry, he is also a spiritual mentor to many.  


He currently serves on the board of multiple ministries worldwide, leads several discipleship groups for men and women, and is involved in his local church.  He has been involved in youth ministry and has mentored numerous individuals and couples for over 20 years. He's passionate about pouring into people of all ages and stages of life, guiding them through the successes and failures of his past, and helping jump-start their futures.  


As a strong believer, he lives by the example of his Heavenly Father and is determined to help current and future generations discover their true identity and change the world.

Step into the abundance of God

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